Friday, September 14, 2012

Answers About Hostage Negotiation, Part 2

Taking QuestionsAsk a Hostage Negotiator

Frank A. Bolz Jr., a founder of the New York Police Department's hostage-negotiation team is taking reader questions.

This is the second set of responses from Frank A. Bolz Jr., one of the founders of the New York Police Department's hostage-negotiating unit, who is taking reader questions. Read the first set of responses, an introductory post about Mr. Bolz and post your own questions for him.

What was the worst hostage negotiation you ever had and why?
Mike, New York

One case I will always remember. A trendy dress shop in Upper Manhattan. A robber, who had held up the store three weeks earlier, enters the store and goes toward the rear. A clerk recognizes him, leaves the store and alerts an officer on post.

The officer enters the store with the clerk and a standoff begins betwee n the gun-toting robber - who has six women, customers and clerks in front of him - and the officer, who has five women behind him. The standoff continues for some time. We are able to negotiate with the perpetrator to have the officer and the women behind him exit the store. During the next few hours, we negotiate the release of some of the hostages in exchange for food and drink.

After he has eaten, and with only one hostage left, he says, “You know what would finish this off? A good cigar.” We oblige, and after about 15 minutes pass, he lets the last hostage, a woman, leave.

What we don't hear him say to her is “Pray for me.” He retreats into the back of the store. An Emergency Service Officer, who is in an observation position, sees the holdup man place a .38-caliber derringer to his temple and fire it. “He did it,” the officer shouts. “He did it!” I will never forget hearing those words.

We missed the sui cide clue: “You know what would finish this off.”

Given the increase in active shooter situations (Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora, etc) How should the police playbook adapt?
-Dr Duh, NY

Much of the information coming out has been aimed at the public, and how they should react. The Department of Homeland Security has good guidelines available (PDF).

Situational awareness is something that all people should maintain. Be aware of what is going on around you. Very few people, when they enter a theater or stadium, really look for the exits or know where the emergency exits are in the workplace or school. As for the police actions, first responders realize that in an active shooter situation, evacuation of victims away from the shooter is preferred if it can be done safely. The same principles of isolating and containing the shooter still apply unless the perpetrator is an active threat, then force, even deadly force, may be needed.

Any hostage program requires a well-disciplined tactical unit, working hand-in-hand. In the N.Y.P.D., the Emergency Service Unit, our tactical team, was instrumental in the success of the Hostage Negotiating Program.

Are snipers always in place if a clear shot is feasible?

All of our Emergency Service Unit officers, besides being New York State-certified emergency medical technicians, are qualified sharpshooters. They are always trying to make sure they are in position, that if deadly force is necessary to stop a perpetrator from killing or seriously injuring innocent people, that they can take that action. Remember, deadly force is never taken lightly.

Have you ever applied your hostage negotiation techniques with your wife, and what was the success rate? =)
-Paul, Brooklyn

Are you kidding me!!!! She has been a cop's wife for over 60 years. Just as a doctor can't or shouldn't operate on his wife, a negotiator will probably not be successful wi th his wife. =(

Read all posts in the series with Captain Bolz, ask him a question and read our Retro City post about an epic 1973 hostage situation.

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