Thursday, September 27, 2012

M.T.A. Chief Challenges Board Member to \'Be a Man\'


The chairman of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority provoked an unusually heated exchange with a member of his board on Thursday, accusing the member of lying and challenging him twice to “be a man.”

The board was discussing a proposal to reduce the number of full-board meetings to 8 from 11, and add two meetings specifically for the public to address the chairman and agency presidents. The other board meetings include public comment periods.

The board member, Charles G. Moerdler, expressed his opposition to the plan, saying, “At this time, we need to increase, not decrease, timely disclosure.”

When he finished speaking, the chairman, Joseph J. Lhota, said he wished Mr. Mo erdler would reconsider his position, “since your flawed thinking and the erroneous things that you've just said are actually scurrilous.”

He noted that authority information would be available more frequently under the proposal.

“The blubbering that you're talking about is just a waste of time and a waste of effort,” Mr. Lhota said.

He then appeared to allude to a newspaper article in which Mr. Moerdler was accused of using a police-issued placard to park illegally in front of the Cornell Club in the spring.

“To make statements in public like this, similar to the statement that you made when you only parked in that parking spot for a few minutes when it was documented by camera that it was over four hours â€" enough of lying to this board,” Mr. Lhota said, at turns pounding his finger on the table.

Mr. Moerdler appeared taken aback. “Mr. Chairman,” he said, “character assassination does not do you credit.”

But he said he “will not challenge” Mr. Lhota, to which the chairman responded, “I wish you would.”

“Be a man,” he said. “Be a man.”

“Oh, I'd be happy to do it,” Mr. Moerdler said. “In your words, I will bring it on.”

“Let's go,” said Mr. Lhota, known as a feisty deputy mayor under Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani.

Mr. Moerdler said he stood by his opposition to the plan.“With respect, and I say with respect, I find your comments disturbing,” he said. “I will leave it at that.”

“Respect is not mutual,” Mr. Lhota said.

Other members then spoke, mostly in praise of the proposed changes to the meeting schedule. The measure passed, with one board member opposed.

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